Simulaids GERi Auscultation Manikin – Light LF04003
Simulaids GERi Auscultation Manikin – Light LF04003. GERi™ has an elderly appearance with skin wrinkles and folds. Complete lifelike range of motion, realistic patient positioning, and non-pinching joints – moves like a person.
Additional information
Simulaids GERi Auscultation Manikin – Light LF04003
- Lightweight – approximately 28 lbs.
- Full-size adult manikin – measures 58″
- Overall female appearance
- Converts to male with the removal of wig and attachment of male genitals
The GERi™ Auscultation Manikin includes the features of the Complete GERI™ as well as:
- Auscultation Sites with Heart and Lung Sounds
- Heart Sites, Six anterior locations with 12 heart conditions
- Lung Sites: Five Anterior, six upper posteriors, four lower posteriors, and two midaxillary locations with 12 lung conditions
- Heart Conditions:
Aortic Regurgitation, Atrial Septal Defect, Holosystolic, Midsystolic, Mitral Stenosis, Normal, PDA, Pulmonary Stenosis, S3 Gallop, S4 Gallop, Systolic Click, and VSD - Lung Conditions:
Bronchial, Cavernous, Coarse Crackle, Fine Crackle, Friction Rub, Mono Wheeze, Normal, Pectoriloquy, Pulmonary Oedema, Rhonchi, Stridor, and Wheeze
Simulates over 35 nursing and medical procedures
Ideal for OBRA Required Training.
Iv Arm (Right) and BP arm (Left) are available separately or see drop-down options
Now includes Carry Case
We also recommend
Supplying Medical Equipment to the NHS for over 20 years
With excellent service and after sale support. Please dont hesitate to contact us.