iPAD SP2 AED Rechargeable Package with Manual Override
The iPAD SP2 defibrillator is designed for appropriately trained Medical Professionals who need greater functionality & clinical information than an entry level AED can provide. Retaining the user friendliness of it’s little brother (the SP1), the iPAD SP2 is ideal for situations where space and time are limited, but the demand for functionality is not.
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iPAD SP2 AED with Manual Override
Designed for trained Medical Professionals who need greater functionality & clinical information. Retaining the user friendliness of it’s little brother, the SP2 is ideal for situations where advanced use is needed but space and time are limited
This product includes:
Package supplied complete with AED, Rechargeable Battery, Rechargeable Docking Station, Carry Case, 1 set of Electrode Pads.
Accessories for use with iPAD SP2 AED Rechargeable Package with Manual Override
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Supplying Medical Equipment to the NHS for over 20 years
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